onsdag 12 augusti 2009

Release av Oskars album 1123581321345589

Oskar 1123581321345589 

Oskar har släppt sitt album 1123581321345589 på nätskivbolaget Zymogen.net
Albumet finns att ladda ner gratis på http://www.zymogen.net/releases/zym023 

Så här skriver de om Oskars musik: "Oskar is a musician who lives in a house in the woods in the north Sweden. The EP "Sids apartment" on Rainmusic has been one of Zymogen's favourite album of 2008 and we luckily got in touch with him to plan the re-release of "1123581321345589". Previously released in 50 copies on a small american CD-r label."

Så här skriver Oskar om sin musik: "I'm interested in numbers, and I'm interested in failuers. Fibonacci tried to make a number sequence that would show how a population of rabbits grew.
Turns out his number sequence is worhless if you try to show how a rabbit population grows - BUT he unwillingly discovered something far more interesting. Turns out that the Fibonacci numbers appear everywhere in nature, in the proportion of our bodies, in the way that sunflowers organize there seeds, in the way branches grow on a tree and the way leafs grow on the branches, in the way eagles fly towards their preys - everywhere. The Fibonacci numbers are the closest we've got to mathematicly understand the laws by wich our world is created. It's a quite personal album. I like my music to be somewhat documentary.
Almost all songs are based on an improvisation, and then digital editing and overdubbing, arranging and more overdubbing and more editing."

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